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Eric Martin
May 12, 20223 min read
Thinking About a Roth Conversion? Beware of the Pro-rata Rule.
Having money in a Roth IRA can be very beneficial. After all, no one ever complains about being able to draw out tax-free money. Getting...

Nicholas Rossolillo
May 3, 20221 min read
Inflation, the Fed's Interest Rates, and the Stock Market
Conversation with Mark Evans, CSU Bakersfield Economic Professor Emeritus. Topics include: --Inflation is at 40 year highs. How did we...

Eric Martin
Jan 13, 20223 min read
How to Make Filing Your Taxes Easier
Most people don't really enjoy filing their taxes. Even if you are getting a nice refund, the actual act of gathering all your...

Eric Martin
Dec 15, 20212 min read
Price to Free Cash Flow
Oftentimes when evaluating stocks you hear different terms used like price to earnings ratio (PE ratio), price to sales ratio (PS ratio),...

Eric Martin
Dec 9, 20212 min read
Charitable Donations Have an Extended Tax Benefit for 2021
Generally, if a taxpayer doesn't itemize their tax deductions, any charitable donations do not count against their income. However, the...

Eric Martin
Nov 19, 20212 min read
2022 Retirement Contribution Limits and Income Limits
It's hard to believe it's almost 2022. Yet here we are. To help prepare for another year's decisions, and in particular our financial...

Nicholas Rossolillo
Nov 12, 20212 min read
Comcast Is a Strong Value Stock After Q3 2021
U.S. households keep parting ways with their cable TV provider, but that isn't hurting Comcast all that much. Here's why.

Nicholas Rossolillo
Nov 12, 20212 min read
Why Etsy Continues to Grow Its E-Commerce Business
Etsy stock has been a great investment during the pandemic, but it continues to grow even as the economy reopens.

Nicholas Rossolillo
Nov 11, 20212 min read
Adobe Is an Underrated Software Company
There is a transformation happening in the business world. A digital transformation. Companies are making the switch to the digital world...

Eric Martin
Oct 13, 20214 min read
Use Your HSA for More Than Just a Health Savings Account
Utilizing every avenue that is available to capitalize on tax savings is always on people's minds (at least during tax filing season) and...

Eric Martin
Sep 29, 20213 min read
Don't Leave Free Money on the Table
Saving money can be a hard habit to start. We all want to save more, but the cost of living these days can make it difficult to be sure....

Eric Martin
Sep 2, 20213 min read
How to Put Your Money in a Roth IRA Through the "Backdoor"
If you make too much money to contribute to a Roth IRA directly, there are still ways to move money into a Roth through a strategy called...

Eric Martin
Aug 18, 20213 min read
No Earned Income? Here's How Some May Still Contribute to an IRA.
In the last year and a half, many have stopped working due to the pandemic. Some families have had one spouse stay home with the kids due...

Eric Martin
Jul 21, 20213 min read
Dollar-Cost Averaging. A Great Long-Term Strategy.
Investing in the stock market can be stressful. Some investors constantly worry about a market "crash." When the market does fall, some...

Eric Martin
Jul 14, 20213 min read
40 Years Old With Little To No Retirement Savings. Is It Too Late to Start?
According to the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, the average 40 to 44 year old has $101,899.22 in retirement savings, but...

Eric Martin
Jun 30, 20214 min read
Do You Have An Investment Account? If Not, Stop Making Excuses.
One of my favorite investment sayings is this: "The best day to start investing is today." I can't tell you how many times I hear that...

Eric Martin
Jun 23, 20213 min read
Monthly Child Tax Credit Payments Are Starting Next Month. Here's Why Some Might Want To Unenroll.
The American Rescue Plan, signed and put into action on March 11th, 2021, gave some extended relief to many that were still in desperate...

Eric Martin
Feb 10, 20212 min read
Gross Income To Taxable Income. What Is The Difference, And What Factors Are Involved?
We admit financial terminology can be complicated and confusing. Taxes are a perfect example. There are books upon books of rules and...

Eric Martin
Feb 3, 20214 min read
What Does It Mean To Short Sell A Stock?
With all the hype around the GameStop story, many investors have asked us what it means to short sell a stock. We are not going to weigh...

Nick Rossolillo
Jan 27, 20217 min read
Concinnus Financial Annual Investor Letter And 5 Investment Trends For 2021
2020… goodbye and good riddance. To those of you that have been directly affected by COVID-19 -- from getting sick to losing work -- our...
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