Nicholas Rossolillo, Portfolio Manager and Investment Advisor
Nicholas’ investing experience began when he opened up a retirement account shortly after finishing high school. His work experience in financial services began in 2007 in an internship position with a national brokerage firm in Arizona. While his career path led him into civil engineering and related fields, he stayed personally involved and active in the investment realm. He eventually returned to a career in investments and financial services in 2012, running a branch office for the same national brokerage firm, this time just outside of Spokane, WA.
During the Great Recession, he began developing a flexible and global investing approach that could evolve with a tumultuous and ever-changing world. Wanting to offer that approach to investing to his clients paired with a financial coaching and consulting business, he founded Concinnus Financial in 2014. He is also a contributing writer for the Motley Fool.
Nicholas grew up in a small town on the Northern California coast just a few minutes from the Oregon border. Growing up in a rainy, quiet little town, he developed a love of music and can play several instruments. He now lives with his wife Kasey and their Humane Society-rescued dog. Together they enjoy the outdoors all four seasons of the year, cooking, and craft beer and wine.
Eric Martin, Investment Advisor
Eric was raised in a family that taught the importance of budgeting and planning for retirement. His mother started a tax preparation and bookkeeping company when he was very young. When Eric started a thriving lawn business in his teens, she taught him to keep good records and the need to save and make wise use of his money. As he grew, he found he had inherited the gift with numbers and finance. As a young married man he recognized quickly the need to start planning for retirement while young and opened some investment accounts. Even before he began his career in finance and investing, he kept a close eye on the markets and its effect on these accounts.

Eric started a career in electrical right out of high school. He spent many years in this field, while always maintaining his interest in investing and retirement planning. In 2011 he joined his family’s business and became a Registered Tax Preparer. After many years of personal investing, he decided to make the jump to investment advising, and started work at Concinnus Financial in January of 2019.
Eric was born and raised in North Idaho, and still lives there with his wife Molly, their 3 children, and their schnoodle Lucy. His love of the outdoors makes this a perfect place to raise his family, as they enjoy snowboarding in the winter and backpacking and camping in the summer.

Molly Martin, Director of Tax Services
Molly has always enjoyed working with numbers and solving puzzles. These two things moved her toward a career in accounting and tax preparation. In 2007 she completed tax training school and went on to work under the guidance of her mother-in-law, who had started her family business in the mid-1990’s. In 2010, Molly followed the new IRS guidelines and became a Registered Tax Preparer. Since then, she has continued to educate herself on the ever-changing tax laws, recognizing the value this brings to her clients. She looks for ways to help educate her clients so that they can understand and improve their tax situation while planning for their future needs.
Molly was born in Eastern Washington, and now lives with her family in North Idaho. She loves reading and playing games with her family. She loves preparing and planning for retirement, and looks forward to traveling the world with her husband during their “work-optional” years.